Friday, March 28, 2014

Mix and Match

Daughter Christine's dream library for her home. . . Wonder if she can take out a bearing wall or two to make this happen....think she'll try?   Nah!!  She has bookcases from wall to wall now but a much smaller window and no view.   With a book in hand who has time to look out?  I am presently reading Louis L'Amour , two down and twenty more to go.  He is one great writer of the Golden West.

Granddaughter Erin sent this picture of one of the fruits she is enjoying.   Sure looks good enough to eat.  A papaya at its best.   Sweet and delicious and good for the body. 

Erin's latest picture with her new co-workers in Guyana.    She writes that she will be teaching two 15-week courses and attending meetings and community events.   She is now getting acquainted with the schools and the community and in May will help to get a first camp ready for the deaf children.   She says cold showers help as it is very hot and humid there.   She is excited happy and ready to do a good job.    

Angie's dogs, Quiso was a little scared of the big sea lions but Mac ignored them.   Angie is enjoying her new home and job.   She got to greet a couple of the ships coming in and has already been invited to visit one. 

Pope Francis entertained President Obama for an hour;  a long visit;   wouldn't it have been nice to have been a fly on the wall . . . wonder if they came to an agreement on life and death in the future; rich giving to the poor . . . it could start with them as they have more than they could ever spend in one lifetime. Now, if they spoke as they believe, it will have an interesting outcome;  but pretense is the name of the game.  Sad but true.

Another fast month, three more day and we are looking for April showers.   We already have them, our third day of overcast, rain , and wind.    It is cold too.    Not sweater weather.     I'll be looking for some floor material this morning for my small entrance way.   When the men put the new door in they tore some of the linoleum  up, not a lot but at a spot where it cannot be repaired.   What is there has done its duty as it must have come with this manufactured house when they put it together.    Probably thirty years ago.   About time for a change I'd say.  I hope to find something a bit lighter and brighter.  I'm off to have my coffee and wake up . . you had better get a move on and get ready to make your day something to brag about.    Be adventuresome and do something you have never done before;  be a sparkle and shine.  Hugs to all.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

This and That

A knitted bird.   This has to be a very difficult project.  I have trouble getting across a row with a knit one purl one. 

I always thought Jimmy Carter got a bad rap due to an impossible situation .   Each President has to live with the role he played.    

Time will tell.....cold war again?  Nah . . . bigger and better ideas . . . but the ice cap is melting so maybe we don't have much to worry about.

It is Thursday already, another fast week going by and the weather cannot make up its mind whether to allow Spring into our lives.    The trees and flowers say yes, the low clouds and wind say no;  the indifference of spring;  isn't it something?    Pat and I had a movie day yesterday.   She has a copy of "Saving Mr. Banks" and if you have not seen it, be sure to add it to your list of 'must see' as it is wonderful and Emma Thompson should have won an Oscar for her performance.    We had a Subway veggie sandwich to enjoy as we watched and I do not understand how anyone could put mustard in a veggie sandwich.  What a way to spoil a good thing.  I ate it anyway, can't waste food and I still remember being reminded of the starving children of China, I bet that old adage has changed to the children of the world.   I made a bread pudding out of stale bread and used honey instead of sugar and it came out pretty good.  All I did was add some luscious strawberries and a bit of yogurt and had a tasty dish for my supper last night.   Try it, you may find you like it.  
For those of you who are puzzle fans, the puzzle is coming along....slowly, a piece or two in a day.   I have lots of little pieces put together in clumps and am looking for the right spot to attach them.   It is a slow process but frustrating.   Pat and Marcia come in, take one look, back away and say 'put it back in the box' and get a fun one';   they have no patience.

So develop patience as it comes in handy in keeping your mind safe and alert.   The dictionary says that patience is a capacity of endurance.    A tolerance of something or somebody over a period of time, generally without complaint though not necessarily without annoyance.  So learn the art of patience as you endure some of the trials and tribulations in life . . . even , or should I say, in the playtime of life. Now, I understand a bit more about the meaning of  the word puzzle . . . it is meant to teach you patience.  

Enjoy the day, be alert, be alive and don't forget tears brings on an ugly puss while a smile lights up your world.    So go lighten the load for those you love and throw in a hug or two.    Hugs to all. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


This big guy is lost up in Port Orchard;  bet that little duck finds him before the day is over.  Friends...kisses....well, isn't that what friends are for?   

Remember peace signs.   Wonder what happened to that generation of wishful thinkers.    

Isn't nature wonderful?    Admit it, you had to laugh. 

Hey Judy, think of the money you could have saved if you had thought of this idea.   So precious.   Joseph would probably love snuggling with a dog rather than sleeping all alone in a big crib.   It is like buying a lot of toys when the little one finds a pot and a spoon so much more fun. 

Patricia is a happy camper as her sister Christine gifted her with a barrel top.   Clever idea for the lazy Susan and it really is a beauty.   Matches her farm table too. 

Erin and her new friend on stage in Guyana.   They are preparing a skit for today.   Erin is keeping busy and is finding the mosquitoes love her.   If you have a sure cure, let me know.   I thought vinegar might help, but am not sure.    Erin tells us she received a warm welcome, has a small apartment and a great roommate and landlady.   the climate is hot, the mosquitoes many and she is very busy catching up with all the paper work.   Today she meets some of the deaf children. 

The last week of March already and it looks like it is going out like the proverbial lion.   We had a heavy rain the night before last;  promises of more to come and it is much colder.    It is like we are heading for winter rather than celebrating the first of spring.   The flowers and trees are almost as confused as I am. I have clipping to do but the wind comes up  and then it is not fun., so I'll postpone that job until the weather makes up its mind.   Meanwhile Pat has the movie "Mr. Banks" to share today so we will ignore the weather and enjoy the movie.   A little popcorn might taste good.    So, if you are close by come and join us, if your far away, rent a movie and hunker down if your weather is cold and miserable.   Spring is always iffy so we just go with the flow and change our attitude along with it.    Do one good deed and you will smile and set your thinking cap as to what you can do to bring a little love and laughter into your world.    A hug and a smooch;  a smooch and a hug . . . go together like sunshine and laughter . . . remember practice makes perfect...practice, practice, practice.    Hugs to all.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014


There is a small town in Nevada that has an old train station just like this one. 

Oregon is famous for its lighthouses.   We have one here like this.

Reminds me of our marina.

Not Emma but a lot like her only Emma is huge. 

Reminds me of a painting I did of a covered bridge. 

We see many of the big lumber trucks roll along the highway.

All of the above sketches were done by  Paul Smith, born in 1921 with severe spastic cerebral palsy.  He used a typewriter and steadied his left hand with his right hand and locked the shift key to make wonderful scenic pictures using the symbols at the top of the keys;  characters @#$%^&*( ), transforming them into beautiful pictures resembling pencil or charcoal images.    This resilient and clever man died June 25, 2009 leaving behind a treasure trove for all of us to admire and enjoy.

How wonderful for us as we see what determination and courage can do.    No matter what cross we have to bear in life, we are given the inner strength to keep us a work in progress.    We can accomplish anything we set out to do if we work in the realm of Faith, Hope and Love.   

Use your seconds wisely today and find the inner strength so you can accomplish whatever it is you set out to do.    Start with good intentions, not the ones leading to the road to hell, but with a desire to improve yourself and those who surround you.    All it takes is a tiny bit of YOU to bring a blessing, a kind word, a good deed , along with a smile and a hug.   What a day you will have . . . Go . . . make it an enjoyable day.  Hugs to all. 

Monday, March 24, 2014


Granddaughter Erin has one of these growing in her back yard in Guyana.  It is called a Custard Apple and she is told it is very delicious.   Looks a bit like a brain . . . um . . . I could use some of that.  

Get ready to laugh....I received some jokes about getting older;  a good thing we can laugh at ourselves as it is not always funny.  There are some changes we could do 

I am beginning to wonder how high I can count.   Ninety coming up and I don't know whether to laugh or cry . . . yeah, I can still do both. 

Another truism.   Isn't there a saying about 'the beat goes on'?

Age is like the proverbial hand writing on the wall;  it is there for all to see and lucky for us each new day gives us thousands of seconds to use or abuse.   A new week, a change in the weather, Spring is here and soon you will be thinking summer vacation time.  It is never to early to think about that and it isn't too early to make a few plans.   

A source of pride.    Wow!!!     I had no idea this even existed..  How come this wasn't given National coverage?    An accumulation of  dog tags to honor lost souls,  better late than never.   Youngsters who gave their all in the name of Freedom although we all know there was and is a lot more to that story. 

A new Monday to use up a few of your seconds, hopefully doing at least one good deed today.    Make it a special day where you shine.    Light up your world with that smile and don't just hang those hands by your side, lift them up and walk into a hug or two.    Make yourself useful.   Go to the card store today and find one to send a friend just because you can.    Start your week off with a hug and a smile, or a smile and a hug or two or three....Hugs. to all.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Here are Angie's cuties.   They made the move from Truckee to Newport Oregon without a whimper.  They found new smells and sounds to keep them happy. 

A lovely golf course on the Columbia River.   Looks like a nice spot to visit and enjoy.    

It didn't take long for this puppy to find a new favorite spot.   A window seat all his own.    

The quiet of a sunset.

Here it is Sunday morning and it is very quiet around here.   It is dark and cold outside and not a creature stirring right now.   Anyone with any sense would be sleeping in.    I tried but the body clock went off and the feet decided to cramp up so here I am wide awake and wondering what kind of words I have for you this morning.    We have contact news from Erin and she is in training presently and preparing for a special trip to a deaf camp in April.    It is going to be a very interesting and busy year for Erin.   

I spent some time yesterday at Sears looking for a white hood to replace the old yellowish one that is in need of replacing.  It works but not well and is extremely noisy and shaky as well.   There was one on the wall that would do just fine and I had my newspaper with their ad showing two discounts for the day and date.    I was about to sign up for it when I asked if they would deliver and install;   yes, for one hundred and fifty dollars to install; delivery would be extra and I should buy another thirty dollar to insure it, in case something went wrong.   When I objected to the prices quoted she immediately came down fifty dollars on the installation.  Needless to say, the hood is staying there and I am going to look around.   When she told me I had to spend three hundred dollars to get the advertised discounts I decided I was not happy with the way they do business.     No wonder the stores are hurting for business, and that old adage of 'buyer beware' is coming back to haunt us..

As you know, I am a book lover and have collected books at yard sales for years.   I have read a lot of them, have lots more to go, but the latest mystery or adventure story gets my attention.   Lately there have been few books at the sales.   I had to resort to some of my old books and  I finished "Below the Salt"  by Thomas Costain, which came out in 1957 originally.  I was looking around for something to read and remembered that I had a collection of Westerns by Louis L'Amour which I have never read.   I love cowboy movies, so why  not a book. . . so I opened one and wow.....what a writer, a two day read and I'm ready for more.  I think I have twenty three of the leather bound set.  I was going to put them on my next yard sale but now I think I have discovered my summer reading.    So take time to find a book and relax in a quiet spot and let the world go by.    A 'down' day is very good for you.    Hugs to all.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Here is Angie catching her first sunset in her new 'digs' ;  She made a fast trip to Sacramento then hopped in her car and off she went 'home' to Newport, Oregon.  One very happy camper.    A new job, a new apartment and a new life style.   Congratulations Angie and Good Luck. 

Meanwhile in Prescott, Arizona where Bob and Andrea are entertaining their daughter Wendy who is home visiting from Japan, a walk into town and the three townsmen are out and about entertaining the town folks as well as visitors.    They dress up and go out there and make the folks feel at home.   And the guns are real.   Who says retirees can't find something to do with their time.    

Even Putin of Russia isn't safe from our political cartoonists.    A strong and fearless leader who is out to rejuvenate his country and wants to be the leader of the world, and is busy making Obama bray like a Jackass and succeeding.   

Here it is another weekend.  Seems I just said that.    The days go flying by and I am happy having daughter Patricia home from her mini vacation.    Christine has returned to Port Orchard and will relish some alone time as she has had family visitors for months now.   The medical visits are over for a short while and the MRI proved to show little change since the last one and that is good news.   Pat  is happy to hear the news but wishes she felt a lot better than she does as the MS takes toll on her walking .   An insidious disease that needs a cure  .So, when you donate to causes, keep the MS march in mind.  The experts are working on a cure and Sweden is ahead with a test on white blood cells.   Light a candle and say a prayer for all the folks suffering from the autoimmune diseases;  life is not easy for those folks.

Pat and I had lunch out at the Casino yesterday.  I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to eat there since they raised the prices but I found they did give a larger plate for the salad bar and that is what we usually go for, soup and salad.   Yesterday they had a red pepper soup which was different and very tasty.   There are new and larger machines and it must cost a fortune to keep changing the machines out.   That is at least ten new ones in the last few months.    Doesn't make any difference though, as you have to be at the right machine at the right time if you are to win back some of your own money.  Much like our income tax.

So, hopefully you are having the first signs of Spring, now that it is  official, but don't go putting on your summer shorts as the weather pattern is always iffy this time of year.    I remember many  a snow storm on Easter Sunday.   Speaking of Easter, it is a month away, what do you want to bet the stores are working on Fourth of July items to sell.     I'm off to have my coffee and open the other eye.    If you were out and about you could stop in and I'd share, might even whip up an omelet to go with it.     I'd even spare a hug or two.   Hugs to all.